Saturday 22 January 2022





What is motivation?

Motivation is the expression of the motives that lead an individual to perform towards a certain action. It can be defined as the set of dynamic factors that push the behaviours of an individual towards a goal; according to this conception, every act that is carried out without motivation risks failure.

What are the functions of motivation?

Motivation basically performs two functions: activating and orienting specific behaviours.

Essentially motivation is the stimulus and trigger that drives us to perform certain behaviours for an intrinsic or extrinsic reason.

To eat, to drink, to read, to work and for all other activities we need motivation.

Example: I'm hungry, I want to eat. I'm thirsty, I want to drink.

Intrinsic reason: Intrinsic motivations relate to the innate needs in nature and the needs produced within the individual. They do not come from the outside.

Extrinsic reason: Extrinsic motivations are those that we individuals assume to get something from the outside. They are external motivations, for example, acting as a function of obtaining material (car, house) or immaterial advantages (good grades, fame, career, power).

Why is motivation important?

Motivation is important because:

-It pushes you to action

If you are motivated for a particular reason, to achieve something you will be driven to act, to perform certain actions, to achieve one or more goals.

- It keeps you constantly focused on the task you're doing

- It directs behaviour  to a particular direction

-The motivation also makes it "goal oriented": You always want to get involved to achieve a goal.

If you are super motivated, you will always have the desire to achieve something. If you have a poor motivation you won’t.

- Motivation helps you to be organized

-Motivation makes you self-critical about your progress, allowing you to understand if you are on the right track, if you are making progress or not.

How do you find the motivation?

Anyone can feel demotivated at times. You will face moments when it seems you are stalled without seeing any way out of a very bad and hopeless situation.

The advice I can give you is:

 -Focus on one goal at a time

One of the reasons why you feel demotivated is the mistaken belief that you can do everything.

Let me explain. We set ourselves huge goals and we feel overwhelmed by ending up postponing and not carrying out our intentions. When you try to do too much, you waste your energy unnecessarily. It is certainly a common mistake to set too many goals at once. My advice is to focus on one goal at a time and break it down into sub-goals that are easier to achieve; in this way we will be able to measure progress and why not reward ourselves from time to time.

-View the lens and find inspiration

Try to imagine the feeling that would arouse you once you reach the finish line. Don't you feel excited?

Are there people who have achieved the success you aspire to?

Read their biographies, study their moves and learn more.

-Also, if you want to be really focused write your goal make a print with motivational images and create a real "vision board" that reminds you every day which direction you have to take.

 -Turn motivation into habits

Motivation comes and goes. Unfortunately, it is not something that can last forever. Make the most of the moments when you feel motivated to start habits.


You may not be motivated for a few days or a few weeks. Never mind! Insist and do not give up; remember your goal and have confidence in yourself the motivation will follow. Remember that you are facing a path, perhaps the most difficult path, life. There are ups and downs. Think of periods when you feel demotivated as temporary obstacles. Think long-term.

 -Don't cry on yourself

The world doesn't care when you complain. We all face obstacles, and how you deal with obstacles defines who you are and your success in life.

 -Challenge yourself

Put away any potential distractions and promise yourself not to leave until you've finished your task.

Who will read this article will be a future champion I am sure: now I do not want to tell my whole life, but I can only say that since I knew the motivation I have never left it again; she will never betray you and will always do everything to be by your side. It's like a drug because you feel good about yourself and the world around you. Remember champion: many people will try to hinder the path between you and your goal but you have the duty to drive them away in such a way as to have a "view-gallery" that is to concentrate only one thing. Many people who previously did not fear you even in their dreams now do not even look you in the face anymore for how much fear they are of you.

I'll leave you to an inspirational video with Simon Sinek's suggestions. Watch and think. Till next month!

                                                                                                                                Mattia, 3sc

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