Monday 30 January 2023




ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) program that can hold conversations with humans, designed to understand and respond to text input in a way that is similar to how a human might. It’s able to learn from the conversations it has with people and improve its responses over time and can also generate new responses based on the information it has learned. It’s a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers and each other.




Human Introduction  (?!?!)

If you feel a little confused about this section heading, you have to know the title and introduction of this article have been written by ChatGPT (and yes, I’m not joking), talking about itself. As it said, this is revolutionary because you probably “couldn’t tell” the content above wasn’t of the “human mind”.

In this article, just for fun, I’m going to chat with  AI program, to better understand its power. Anyway, you may find little missings:

-        too many descriptive responses that nowadays no one would write

-     there is no “personal” question in this conversation (like “what’s your favourite colour?”) because the AI recognises it’s a personal question that can’t be  answered, so it just returns a bunch of text saying it “does not have personal experiences or feelings”.



Me: Hello, I'm writing an article about you. Can I ask you some questions?

AI: Hello! I am happy to help you with your article. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Me: Good! Let's begin… Tell me something about you, what's your “life” story?

AI: I am an artificial intelligence language model trained by OpenAI. I was created to assist with tasks such as answering questions and providing information on a wide range of topics. I do not have a personal life or story, as I am a machine and do not have personal experiences or feelings. I was designed to be able to process and generate human-like text, and to be able to assist with a variety of tasks. Is there something specific you would like to know about me or my capabilities?

Me: Yes, for example, I always wondered if you're able to induce a human to think he's talking to another human and not to an AI.

AI: As an artificial intelligence, my main goal is to be able to understand and process natural language in a way that is similar to how humans do. This can involve generating responses to questions and prompts that are similar to how a human might respond. However, it is important to remember that I am not a human and do not have personal experiences or feelings. While I can generate text that may seem similar to human conversation, it is ultimately up to the user to determine whether they feel like they are communicating with another human or a machine.

Me: So if I ask you "what's your favourite colour?", what should you respond to be considered a human and not an AI?

AI: As an artificial intelligence, I do not have personal preferences or feelings [...] 

(as said in the “Human Introduction” section, it can’t answer personal questions, so I changed topics)

Me: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

AI: The question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, is a classic paradox that has no definitive answer. It is a common expression used to describe a situation in which it is not clear which of two events was the cause and which was the effect. Some people believe that the chicken came first, while others believe that the egg came first. There is no way to conclusively prove which came first, and the question remains a subject of debate and speculation.

Me: Give me the definition of a human in ten words

AI: A human is a member of the species Homo Sapiens, which is characterized by advanced cognitive abilities and a capacity for abstract thought, language, and culture. Humans are distinguished from other animals by their highly developed brains and their ability to use tools and communicate through language.

(they weren’t ten words as required, but it’s ok ;-) )

Me: Explain to a 10-year-old person how machine learning works. 

(here I needed to ask to summarise that answer because it generated four paragraphs of text the first time…)

AI: Machine learning is a way for computers to learn how to perform tasks by analyzing examples and finding patterns in the data. This allows the computer to improve its performance on a specific task without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Me: Thanks for helping me with this article, bye!

AI: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your article! Goodbye!


This AI is really powerful and can answer many questions, and the main advantage if compared to using  a search engine is that if ChatGPT doesn’t answer you completely, you can ask some questions regarding what you've already chatted about,  because it remembers previous conversations (and its context). 

Its limits, though, are that it tends to define  the question you ask too much and not to give a “quick” answer, as a human would do and, last but not least, it is not able to fake a personal response, either.

Anyway, it is wonderful - and somehow terrifying - to see how technology is developing and to have a peek into the future we’ll live in.

 What do you think of this AI program? Do you think it will replace human beings or will it be a good solution for issues in the future? Comment below, and let us know your opinion!

GIORGIO B. , 4sc


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