Tuesday 21 February 2023


When we hear about global warming we worry about it, but rarely feel guilty. We believe that our contribute can’t really change the situation and we think – or we like to think – that our planet’s destiny isn’t in our hands. But, of course, this isn’t true: we are ruining our planet and it’s our duty to save it.

Here are 5 ways in which each of us can contribute to slow global warming and preserve the Earth.

1. Building smart buildings

Huge mansions, skyscrapers, condominiums, public buildings… we don’t really think about them because we aren’t used to see them in our cities. But these buildings contribute to a third of global consumes of energy and to a fifth of CO2 emissions.

Reasons are easy to imagine: heating systems, electricity, air conditioning, elevators… This may sound a little bit utopic and futuristic, but if we let computers control, for example, to switch the lights off when we forget to, we’d reduce consumes and energetic waste.

2. Using LED lights

LED lights should be in every building of the world: they use 90% less energy than incandescent light bulbs. There’s also another big pro: LED lights don’t contain toxic gases. Yet, they’re not so common. Why is that?

Unfortunately, their price is very high respect to the bulbs we currently use. However, they last up to 25 times longer than incandescent lighting, so it’s worth the effort. And don’t forget that saving out planet should be priceless!

 3. Walking, cycling and taking public transport

Roads are full of vehicles and each of them has a devasting impact on the environment. Most of cars burn gasoline and diesel, two of the most pollutant gases that produce by combusting CO and NO2, highly toxic for our health.

Walking or riding a bike can highly reduce greenhouse gases emissions and also help our health by keeping us fit. Maybe a bike isn’t the best mean to cover long distances: take public transport, like a train or a bus.

Using less cars we can reduce up to 2 tons of CO2 per year!

 4. Eating more vegetables

You may wonder what it has to do with global warming. Breeding farms and ranches directly, or indirectly, produce huge amount of CO2, and there is many researching revealing that meat can bring serious pathologies to our body. Also, switching to a diet full of plants requires less energy, lands and water.

Producing plan-based food can really help the environment, but also animals and us too!

 5. Reducing food waste

Food waste generates 8% of greenhouse gases annually. When we waste food, we also waste all the energy and water it takes to grow, transport and package it. And if food goes to the landfill and becomes rotten, it produces CH4 methane, a greenhouse gas 28-34 times more dangerous than CO2..

Be sure to buy what you really need and to pack leftovers. Wasting less food can reduce carbon footprint up to 300 kg of CO2 per year.

 MARIA D., 5scB




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