Tuesday, 28 March 2017


A few weeks ago Netflix released a new TV series called “A Series Of Unfortunate Events”. It has already been renewed for a second season, which will premier in 2018.
It is based on the namesake novels written by Lemony Snicket.

The first season, made up of 8 episodes, is inspired by the first four books and tells about the Budelaire’s orphans: Violet, Klaus and Sunny. After a terrifying mortal accident, Budailaire’s parents die, leaving their three children alone. 

Count Olaf, a relative who wants to get their inheritance, becomes the children’s legal guardian; in fact the children have an enormous fortune but they can’ t use it until Violet comes of age.

Every episode is very strange and unfortunate, since they have to try to escape from Count Olaf and at the same time discover something about their parents….

This Series really moved us because it’s the strangest and oddly filmed TV series we’ve ever watched!

Guess who stars as Count Olaf? Neil Patrick Harris! He is the best and he interpreted his role very well for our liking…

Have you watched it? You had better do it because it’s cool!

Let’s have a look at the differences between the first four books which the series is based on and the TV series itself.

  • Mr Poe, who is an important character says that his wife is named Eleonore, but in the books her name is Polly
  • Lemony Snicket is a character in the series, who wants the viewers not to see the series…
  • A couple of adults is introduced in the TV series to make it more intriguing and involving
  • We know Gustav Sebald during the first episodes of the series, instead in the narrative of the book he is described later.

We hope you’ll watch it… if you’re fond of good TV series, you can’t miss it!


Eugenio & Alessandro S


  1. I love this tv series, I watched all the episodes on Netflix. I'm looking forward to watch it again in 2018😁

    1. I'm excited as you are!!😄😄

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I can't wait to watch the second season! We have to wait 10 months!

  2. Good job boys.
    I don't like this TV series but I like your post😂

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Giada! Your reaction is understandable! This TV series is very odd!

  3. I've never seen it but I'd like to...Anyway great post guys!!

  4. Wonderful TV series! I watched all the episode and I can't wait to watch the new one����

  5. I haven't watched it yet, but I read the books! I loved them and I can't wait to see this tv series but at the moment I'm really busy so I can't find time to watch tv series😫😭

  6. Good post guys!! I think I will watch this TV series in summer. Now I'm too busy😅

  7. My sister loves this tv series, i would like to see it but i busier than my sister😋😋😋 Anyway ... well done guys!!!!!!!!
