Monday 6 April 2020


In the last weeks the only thing you can hear spoken of everywhere is coronavirus. Because of this virus the world has stopped and all the news focus on its devastating effects. The number of the victims all over the world is  increasing as well as the figures related to the infected.
The situation is getting worse in every country in the world and for this reason the WHO, the World Health Organization, labelled it as a pandemic. We are all quarantined and it seems that this situation won’t stop on the 3rd April, as they first announced,  but it will probably continue for some other months.
In this situation we are all confused and disoriented, some even seem to go crazy,  either because of fear or just for the reason that  a secluded life in our homes can be worse than we expected.  Many have started talking on social media sharing memes, poems, encouraging messages but, inevitably, also fake news.

The social networks are a really good invention to meet old friends, to express ourselves and, especially now,  to keep in touch with our friends,  even if we can’t see them in person.
But,  unfortunately, social media aren’t always used properly. Everybody can talk about everything with no limits and this contributes to spread fake news, disinformation and, in this situation,  also panic and anxiety.
A message in particular has become viral since Kim Kardashian shared it. This post is an extract from Sylvia Browne 2008 book, End of Days.

In her book Sylvia Browne talked about an illness similar to coronavirus:

“The world has become a scary place, religious wars, global terrorism, genocide. The Information Age has transported us into the Anxiety Age. Everyone is on edge, wondering what is coming next.”  

“In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments.”
“Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it has arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely."

Now the question that everybody tries to answer is, did Sylvia Browne predict everything? Was she right?

This whole thing that someone could predict the future is considered scary by some while some others are more sceptical about it.

Whether or not you believe in psychics, it’s hard to doubt what Browne predicted after seeing how coronavirus has spread throughout the world.

The books she wrote are filled with lots of other predictions. She successfully predicted some things but other predictions are really crazy and seem more like science fiction than a possible future and because of that she has been discredited.

What do you think? Can ayone predict the future?


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