Thursday 23 April 2020



Hello everyone! During this period of quarantine I watched a lot of movies and tv series but one in particular got me hooked: Mr Robot. It isn’t the type of tv series that is easy to describe, but I’ll try to do it without giving away huge spoilers.

It’s an American tv series that revolves around Elliot Anderson, and  his inseparable black hoodie,  inside which he hides himself from the rest of the world.
By day, he’s a cybersecurity engineer at AllSafe, a company that is responsible of the security of one of the biggest corporations,  E Corp,  renamed Evil Corp by Elliot,  because it ruthlessly controls everything in the world, from banking to politics.
At night, instead,  he’s an anarchic and fervent hacker. As he says, he “hacks everyone”,  even his friends and therapist just to discover the dark and deep secrets that everyone hides.
He’s highly paranoid, he sees random people in the crowd and believes they are coming at him, he’s anxious, depressed but very intelligent: nobody can hack and use computers like he does.


Elliot has a dream: he wants to save the world from Evil Corp, injustice and broken systems just by hacking from his computer.
Fsociety, a shady group of hackers wants to take E Corp down too; they’re led by a mysterious man called Mr Robot that might have a connection with Elliot’s past.

So Elliot is approached by Fsociety that wants him at all cost. Reluctant in the beginning, then he decides to join. He has one more reason to join Fsociety, one more personal reason: his father died due to a toxic waste leak from one of the E Corp’s facilities, but the company was big that it used its power to cover the leak.

But the heart of the series his Elliot’s mind, his internal battle brings us inside his mental state, his thoughts on everything and the environment around him. His dialogues with the audience (us) are designed to help us interpret Elliot's world, but because of his mental illness, he’s an unreliable narrator, that leaves us uncertain whether what he tells us and we’re seeing on the screen is actually what is happening. This causes confusion in the viewer who struggles to understand the story and keep track of the facts. However, in the end,  everything is going to be clarified.

So, what makes Mr Robot so special? Here are the answers:

It’s authentic and feels so real: even though it’s just fiction the topics dealt with are recurrent and part of real life. So Mr Robot brings us into what is the real world, seen through Elliot’s eyes. Not by chance it’s been defined as the best tv series of the decade.

     There are moments that you will remember forever because of their peculiarity and unicity, moments that are questionable but will stay in our mind anyway,  because they’ll touch you deeply. It’s not an ordinary series:  it has won a Grammy, several Emmys and many other awards.

You must watch the series because of Rami Malek is outstanding, he  brilliantly plays Elliot: he really gives life to a very gripping  character and giving you the opportunity to enter Elliot’s blurred mind.

 Since I can’t tell you anything more… go, watch Mr Robot yourself!

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