Monday 23 January 2023



What is self-awareness?

It’s the ability to see ourselves clearly, to understand who we are, how others see us and how we fit into the world. Self-awareness gives us power. And there’s actually a lot of research showing that people who are self-aware are more fulfilled. They have stronger relationships. They’re more creative. They’re more confident and better communicators. They perform better at work and also at finding happiness.

Most people believe that thinking about ourselves and knowing ourselves are the same thing. It’s wrong. Thinking about ourselves isn’t related to knowing ourselves. In addition self-analysis can trap us in a mental hell of our own making.

Sometimes when we have to face an obstacle, we focus on several issues. But in this way we’ll have more problems. Especially, the first question coming to our mind is “Why is this happening to me?”. Why-questions trap us in that mental hell. So we must change our type of question. In particular change “why” to “what”. We could question us “What can I do to over come this problem?” What questions move us to a solution. So, instead of being stuck on problems, we must focus on finding solutions.

Another way to improve self-awareness is by asking for feedback. Other people can see us far more objectively than we see ourselves. It’s helpful to gain different perspectives in order to see a fuller picture of ourselves

Moreover, if you truly want to grow, develop and enhance your self-awareness you must be willing to go deep. Carl Jung said" People will do anything ,no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls"

Of course this thing isn’t comfortable, it disturbs and that’s why we avoid it. But we must have the courage to face our own shadow, to look at the dark as well as the light, to see ourselves for who we really are. We should try to do this, even though it is excruciating and very painful, because we can find an opportunity for true growth and development.

It’s up to usto choose to learn and grow from our mistakes and our tragedies. We don’t become enlightened by pretending to be perfect. We become enlightened when we have the courage to acknowledge and embrace our darkness.

One of the best quotes I’ve ever heard on this topic is from Rumi: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I’m wise, so I am changing myself”

Matteo S.C., 4sc


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