Wednesday 5 December 2018


Kim Noble is a 50-year-old woman. She lives in a small house in South London with her 14 year-old-daughter Aimee and more than 100 SEPARATE PERSONALITIES. She has a dissociative identity disorder (DID). That’s because so many different people coexist in her body!
The details of what happened are unclear, but it seems all these personalities are the result of abuses that Kim has suffered since the early age. So her traumatized mind shattered into fragments forming lots of different identities. 

Most of them, however, don’t have any flashback or memories of the abuse in the past. When there’s a “switch” the new personality doesn’t know what’s happened. These personalities are all quite disconnected from each other with their own names, ages and quirks. For example, some of them are childish,  others are male... 

13 of her personalities’ are painters. This passion for Art started in 2004,  after attending some therapist’s sessions whose method was to use Art to heal his patients. Each of them has its own distinctive style and content. Anyway,  many of these artists don’t even know that they're sharing the same body.

particular personality named Bonny recalls Kim’s abuses by painting dancing robotic figures. The other 12 personalities paint desert landscapes, a kneeling mother and the traumatic events to which children are subjected. 

These disturbing images are at the root of Kim’s extraordinary condition. DID took place at a young age due to the severe and chronic traumas. The number of characters that exist often depends on how long the trauma lasted. Kim, moreover, doesn’t have memories of the suffered traumas and abuses as a child because she was “protected” by her various alters.

      LUCA F. & VALENTINA C. (3sc)

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