Saturday 10 March 2018


We watch movies. We read stories. Too often we forget that our lives are an adventure too!

We are surrounded by people who are really worth to be known.

 I am going to tell you about the experience of SHANDER. He tells us how everything that makes us different can be a gift.

“When you are blind you imagine how people look. Not by touching their face our gauging their height, but by their voice, and the kind of person they are”.

According to SHANDER,  those things form a person. When he saw his wife for the first time, she was really as he had expected her to be.

He wasn’t  born blind. He lost his sight  because of an accident when he was 10. This made things worse because he always tried to remember how seeing was. 

He attended a special school and he had to stay out of his home for whole weeks.

It was difficult but necessary, the best way to grow up. He learnt to cook clean, do sports and go out alone. That’s more than most teenagers do now. He was independent.

Many people are surprised when he talks about what he is able to do. They are used to think that a blind person doesn’t succeed in doing anything by himself.  

This made SHANDER prouder because he managed to kill prejudices.

The best thing in his life was meeting Gurjeet. Though. 

He would  never believe that someone would marry him. But she wanted to!

“She was there, she was waiting for me. We have been shoulder to shoulder since”

Being blind was just a little part of this life: they just lived with it.

One day everything changed.

After a visit in an eye hospital in Brighton, he was cured and finally he could see!

Gurjeet was as he had imagined her  in his mind as if he had always seen her, she was familiar  - this should make us reflect- .”I can see you“ he just said.  Everything was crystal clear.The world seemed so bright in his eyes. It was so wonderful.


Being blind for such long time was not a blame for Shander but a gift! Now he can see more than we can.


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