Tuesday 17 November 2020



Thoughts, emotions and feelings have been changed drastically by the pandemic. Covid-19 demands physical distance and sees a potential enemy in our neighbour, so our habits have been questioned and are changing and adapting to new social behaviours.


Habits become  dangerous and certain behaviours must be avoided for fear of being infected or infecting, so we must also change interpersonal relationships. 
Each of us reacts to changes in relationships in a different way and gives them a different meaning according to their attitude to life and personality. 
The effort that is required is enormous as our relationships are characterized by physical proximity which now becomes risky and dangerous. 
The more the relationship we have with a person is intimate, the more we are used to having physical contact, as we express our feelings with physical demonstrations (kisses and hugs).


But now we are overwhelmed by fear, we are continually anxious and we almost forget the impulses we had not long ago. 
The precautions imposed by the dangerous and complex present situation seem to cool down any kind of enthusiasm and  emotion, hidden behind a mask and a meter away.
All this demoralizes us psychologically to the point of making us fear people. 
However,  we must think that it will be for a limited time and that we will surely return to live in a carefree and free way, because it is in the nature of human beings to show their affection with all their senses.



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