Thursday 15 April 2021



Hi guys, here we go again with another post of mine.Today we are going to talk about a creepy event, and you will decide how to explain it, because like for most of the horror events, not all can be explained.

This event occurred on February 1956 on  the Ural Mountains  in Russia; a crew formed by 9 people,   7 men and 2 women,  started an excursion.

They were all quite prepared for the excursion, because it was not their  first one.

The excursion was on The Kholat Syakhl,  a mount  of  the Urals usually called “The dead mountain”,  because  of  the lack of plants.


The excursion took the name from the leader of the crew, “Igor Dyatlov”.


Their goal was to reach a mountain  called Ortoten.

They set off  on  27th January, and after some days they reached the Kholat Syakhl.

They wanted to pass through  it by a passage, but the weather was not the best, there was a snow storm and they could barely see.

So they decided to settle before the beginning of the passage, but from that moment on their expedition turned into a horrific misadventure.

The headquarter did not receive any news from the crew, so they started an aiding expedition.

They found the base camp of the crew on 26th  February  and they already noticed there was something weird.

There was no one there, the tents were empty, and they were sliced from inside, and all their equipment was there.

Something had make them run away from there without taking their equipment. The search kept on and all the corpses were found after 2 months.

The autopsy claimed that they had died by hypothermia, but some corpses  had something strange: one was without his tongue, and two had their skulls broken, as if they had fought against something, but on them there was no bruise or  fighting sign, nor could they find any trace of some animal there.

But the weirdest thing  was that all their clothes were highly radioactive.

This case was abandoned due to the lack of clues, and it was claimed that the crew was slayed by an “Unknown Force”.

Another crew declared that between February and March they saw a huge orange ball in the sky and this raised a lot of rumours about the accident.

It was said that the  Soviet Government  was testing some type of weapon there so they covered everything up. Only in 1990 the information about the case was published.

This event  is surrounded by speculations, some more plausible,  some less, but … what is yours?


Alessandro Coluzzi 3scb

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