Saturday 5 February 2022



These days news about a possible conflict between Russia and Ukraine are being shared by newscasters, but is this true, or is it an exaggeration?

Ukraine has always been a country with many troubles: an oligarchic government, poverty and it has always been shattered, and the last reason is because Russia sent an army in Ukraine.


In these last 8 years some states of Ukraine decided to secede in order to become independent and to avoid joining the European Union.

Russia is exploiting this situation to get more influential in these country, helping them become independent, giving them weapons and funding their rebels. With the collapse of the USSR, the territory of Russia decreased, losing many countries that could be a sort of shield between Russia and Europe, and which are also rich in resources like oil, minerals and crops.

NATO does not want to let Russia expand its territory, because it could be a threat, not only for a possible war, but also for economic reasons, that is to say, Russian expansion would be a threat to NATO business.

The most dangerous threat is a possible breakdown of the exportation of oil and methane from Ukraine to Europe, forcing Europe to buy these resources from other countries.

The situation is quite tense, because the USA responded to this sending forces to Ukraine, just in case of an invasion by Russia.

Obviously the last thing Russia wants is a war with NATO, wicker and smaller than the previous USSR, it could not handle a war; that’s why Russia probably just wants to gain something from the situation in a peaceful way.

It is quite complicated, but it is improbable it might end up with a war. The best thing to do is to solve everything peacefully and to find a balance through diplomacy. Let’s hope they’ll find a compromise. We don’t really need a war, do we?

Alessandro, 4scB






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