Saturday, 31 December 2016


2016 is about to end and we want to remember the events that have marked this year. There are too many events to mention so,  unfortunately, we have had to omit some. Here are the 8 ones we think must be remembered.

Thursday, 29 December 2016


She couldn’t sleep,  something kept her awake:  a noise , a feeling, a fear. She couldn’t understand what it was. She was lying down on her bed, in her room, motionless in the dark. Her open eyes tried to penetrate the darkness because it was where her demons hid. All her senses were alert, looking for a sound, a movement, anything that proved the presence of another person. The last weeks had been difficult, especially after that strange feeling had become a concern and finally certainty.  Someone followed her. Her house was watched. Someone spied on her movements: where she went, what she did, who she met. Everywhere she went he was with her: always.

Sometimes she had seen him from a shop window after she had  entered. A tall and young man with black hair and blue eyes,  so intense and penetrating to  seem unreal. He was always with her, and he knew she knew it , he knew she felt his presence. Then there was that night in the park. She had left her home to go jogging. Leaving the house she looked around furtively to try to see the black figure, as she had begun to do since she had discovered the stalker. She hadn’t seen him anywhere. She felt relieved, calmer so she started running. The sun was setting and the light of the street lamps illuminated the path,  she ran between the trees. The wind was the only sound other than that of her footsteps. A black figure. Suddenly something (or someone?) tried to make her fall. She remained motionless for a few seconds which seemed hours, then she reacted and started running fast, faster and faster.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016


The Golden Ball is a football award instituted in 1956 by a sport French magazine called France Football. Every year it is assigned to the best footballer who plays for an European club. To win this award you must be strong and you must win a competition with your team.

Monday, 26 December 2016


A Christmas Carol  is a novella published by Charles Dickens in  1843. It’s the most important in the series, The Christmas Book.

It is one of the most famous and touching Christmas stories in the world.  It is the story of Ebeneezer Scrooge, a man who loves money and hates everything and everyone else. On Christmas Eve, in his cold, dark house,  he is visited  by three ghosts:  Christmas past, current and future. They take him on a journey from which he will return a different man. His life will change forever.

Saturday, 24 December 2016


The Big Bang Theory

Penny is interested in an attractive physicist at University. So Leonard becomes disappointed. Sheldon is finding the perfect Christmas gift for Penny.


These days the Christmas atmosphere has joyously invaded all our homes and is spreading all over the world. Christmas is celebrated in lots of different countries and cultures in the world.  So what I’d like to do with you today is a virtual journey through 4 different countries and their Christmas celebrations. I ‘ve chosen to take you to China, Republic of Congo, Australia and Jamaica with me. Ready to take off?


In China, only about one percent of people are Christians, so most people only know a few things about Christmas. Because of this, Christmas is only often celebrated in major cities. In these big cities there are Christmas Trees, lights and other decorations on the streets and in department stores. Santa Claus is called “Shen Dan Lao Ren” and has grottos in shops like in Europe and America. In Chinese Happy/Merry Christmas is “Sheng Dan Kuai Le”. Only a few people have a Christmas Tree . If people do have a tree,  it is normally a plastic one and might be decorated with paper chains, paper flowers, and paper lanterns.

Thursday, 22 December 2016


Risultato immagine per christmas books

The Polar Express

The Polar Express was written by Chris Van Allbusrg in 1985.

It's the night of Christmas Eve and a child whose name isn't mentioned, splees in his bedroom and he doesn't believe in Santa Claus. But that night he hears a train whistle, The Polar Express,
which will take him to the Noth Pole, to Santa's house. During the trip he meets many children who love drinking hot chocolate and they sing Christmas songs all together. When he arrives at the North Pole, he meets Santa Claus and he starts believing in him. Santa gives him a bell whichhas the same sound of Santa's sleigh.


Many sports during Christmas holidays will stop, but if you are a sport fan you don’t have to be worried because there are many sport events to watch on TV. The majority of football championships (Serie A,Ligue one,Bundesliga and Liga), Formula 1, Moto GP and tennis tournaments stop in this period. Instead, Premier League, Serie B, rugby, basketball and horse racing continue.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016


Hello everyone!
It is Christmas time, at last! And in this my new post I would like to share with you what I think are the most beautiful Christmas songs.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016



19th December 2016Something terrible happened: two men killed 12 people and 48 people were wounded.
How did they act? They hit the Christmas Markets with a 7-tonne truck. In the truck there were two men: one was found dead, the other would have jumped out and fled on foot.


Immagine correlata

Hi guys!
We are back with a music challenge!
Are you ready to have fun with us?

Sunday, 18 December 2016


In these last days we have heard a lot about Nico Rosberg. He is a Formula 1 pilot and he drives for the Mercedes team. He has recently become the new Formula 1 world champion and he has surprised everyone a few days later with his decision to quit F1 forever! Isn't that unbelievable? Anyway, we must be happy for him since this means Nico is totally free and  the priorities in his life are really cear in his mind. But what are we going to discuss here in this post today? Just 6 curious things about Nico Rosberg, the latest F1 champion! 

Friday, 16 December 2016


A Head Full of Dreams is Coldplay’s 7th studio album. It was released on December 4, 2015. Coldplay recorded the album with a different style and sound from its predecessors. For various songs, they collaborated with Beyoncé, Noel Gallagher, Tove Lo, Khatia Buniatishvili and Merry Clayton. The album also features a sample of President Barack Obama - a great fan of Coldplay -  singing "Amazing Grace" at Clementa C. Pinckney's funeral on "Kaleidoscope".

What about having a detailed look at the tracks in this album? They are all fantastic!

1. A Head Full Of Dreams
This song marked a rebirth for Chris Martin , after a long period of depression because of his divorce from his ex wife, Gwyneth Paltrow. He managed to give back colour to his life . He said :
everything that happens to you is fine. The idea is to accept everything without running away from anything, and believe that things will turn for the better and become colored

Wednesday, 14 December 2016


Hello friends! Today I am going to write about one of the strongest defenders in the history of football. His name is Alessandro Nesta and his nickname is “The wall” because he was so strong that nobody was able to uncheck him. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


The wait is over: Lorelai and Rory Gilmore are back. Only four episodes to melt all doubts  after a long absence.

The Gilmore Girls are back for an event series of four episodes (called Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall), we will slip back to Stars Hollow to see what has happened in the lives of the Gilmore girls in these last ten years.

Monday, 12 December 2016


Our English teacher sometimes gives us music videos to watch and work on as an assignment. We loved this song,  so when we were asked to write the story of the  girl in the video, we were touched and inspired. These are some of our stories based on The A-team by Ed Sheeran.

Chiara's story

Hi I’m Effy and I died last  night.
My wrong decisions have led me to this, it’s all my fault. I didn’t want to die so young. I don’t wish anyone to live my life. This is my story.
My life has never been easy. I was born in a poor family.  My father died when I was a child. My stepfather worked in a factory and my mother a shop assistant. My stepfather had drinking issues. When he came back home drunk he abused my mother. Every night I was afraid for my mother’s life. He never touched me, with me he was kind. In the meantime, I was trying to be a good daughter. I was good at school, I also won a scholarship. My dream was to become an architect and go to live with my mom in a house by the sea. But one night my worst nightmare became true. My father Killed my mother.

Saturday, 10 December 2016


Good morning everyone!  Welcome to my top ten! Today I’m  going to talk with you about football!!! And I mean it:  I really expect to talk football with you in our comment section so, don’t be shy, please!
Let’s start then!  I’ll show you the best goals in the history of football in this video, I’ll tell you which one is my favourite below and then … I’m really curious to know about your favourite ones!

Thursday, 8 December 2016


Born in 1990,  Emma Watson reached world fame thanks to the Harry Potter saga, playing the character of Hermione Granger, from 2001 to 2011. She also starred in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Noah, Colonia. 

She is also a green fashion designer and has created an ecological collection of only of organic fiber clothing.

In July of 2014 Emma Watson was appointed Goodwill Ambassador, ambassador of good will from the section of the United Nations that deals with gender equality in the world. Emma Watson has also become one of the faces of the “He For She” UN campaign, to break down the gender differences and violence against women. In September of 2014 she spoke at the United Nations headquarters in New York to launch this campaign.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


On the night of November 28, 2016 a plane with 81 people aboard,  the charter airline Boliviana Lamia, heading for the airport of Medellin, crashed in Cerro Gordo, 57 km from the Colombian capital. Aboard also the Chapecoense Brazilian team,  Santa Catarina state, which flew to the final of the South American Cup (the equivalent of the Europa League) against Atletico Nacional. For Chapecoense is the first end of the story.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Hi guys! In today’s post  we would like to share some interesting moments from our special lesson at St. Scholastica’s Abbey
The monastery of Saint Scholastica is the most ancient benedectine monastery in the world. In particular, we visited the historic library where 20, 000 paper documents and 380 manuscripts,  written one by one by amanuensis,  are kept.

Sunday, 4 December 2016


The Simpsons are a cult cartoon series popular all over the world. The Simpsons  were  created by cartoonist Matt Groening U.S. at the end of the 80s for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Set in a fictional town called Springfield, the show is humorous in many aspects of the human condition; it is a satirical parody of society and the American lifestyle epitomized by its protagonist family, which consists of Homer, Marge and their three children Bart, Lisa and Maggie.

Friday, 2 December 2016


Hifriends! In this post we want talk about two sports and two champions  These sportsaren’t as popular as football  in Italy  but we like them and we would like to share our interest with you.


In Italian we call it Basket, short for what in English is basketball. It is a team sport where there are two 5 – player teams.
You have to use only your hands to score a point in the rival basket.
Basketball  was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a Canadian P.E. teacher.
Now it is played all over the world, even though it is extremely popular in the  U.S.A.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Three years have passed since the death of a famous actor, Paul Walker. He was an actor and a filmmaker and everybody knows him because he starred in the street racing action film Fast & Furious as Brian O'Conner. We've personally loved this actor since we saw the first film of the Fast And Furious series. Even though it is the most famous film he starred in, it isn't the only one he was in! For example, he was also in "Into the blue", "Hours", "Vehicle 19" and "Brick Mansions". To remember Paul Walker here's to you 9 curiosities about him:

Monday, 28 November 2016


We like watching TV series. We watch them for fun or escapism but,  sometimes,  we also watch them in the original language with subtitles to improve our English.  Today we want to share with you our top ten favourite series. 
Are your best favourites in this list? 

10. How I met your mother

The series follows the main character, Ted Mosby, and his group of friends in Manhattan. As a framing device, Ted, in the year 2030, recounts to his son and daughter the events that led him to meeting their mother.

Saturday, 26 November 2016


      ROMANCE -  “SEE ME”

It’s one of the latest books by Nicholas  Sparks. It has been published  in 2016. The novel, titled See Me, tells about Colin Hancock, who has a violent stormy past, who decides to go back to his previous life. Maria Sanchez is a student and a young model with a traumatic story behind. Their lives will cross and they will try to defend their love.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

SUPER ... MOON !!!

A SUPERMOON is a coincidence of a full moon with closest approach the moon makes to the earth on its elliptical orbit resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from earth.                                       
“Supermoon” isn’t actually an astronomic word but it makes the phenomenon visually clearer than thousands of words. When this happens … the moon becomes full at 14:52 but it can be found under the horizon. The moon rises at 17:18, when the sky is still dark.   

This video was made by NASA.

On 14 November 2016, the supermoon was 356,511 kilometres away from the centre of the earth. The next supermoon will be on 25 November 2034.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016



OF COURSE! Coldplay were a surprisingly new phenomenon when they started back in 1996. 20 years ago!!! Music journalists have written that the band doesn't quite fit in with the current popular-music landscape. Their soulful, haunting, intelligent songs have set them apart from bubblegum pop stars, aggressive rap artists. Also the lead singer, Chris, is far from the lifestyle of a stereotypical rock star: he doesn’tt take drugs, he doesn’t distaste alcohol, but he never had a bad lifestyle.
In an article in Maclean's magazine, Coldplay guitarist John Buckland said “ connecting to listeners on an emotional level is the most important thing in music for us. We're not really the cool, detached kind of people; we're really passionate about what we're doing." At Coldplay's official website, Chris Martin explained the band's choice: "We were trying to say that there is an alternative. That you can try to be catchy without being slick, poppy without being pop, and you can be uplifting without being pompous.... We wanted to be a reaction against soulless rubbish."
Here is a cool video featuring Chris Martin. Recently he has taken part in a funny show with James Corden which is very famous in the USA, the "Carpool Karaoke"!

Sunday, 20 November 2016


Micheal Phelps is one of the best swimmers in the world. He was born on June 30, 1985, in Baltimore, Maryland.

He competed in his first Olympic Games when he was 15, as part of the U.S. men’s swim team. He won a total of 28 medals (23 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze) and setting the record for the most won medals by any Olympic athlete.

Friday, 18 November 2016


The story in Federica's handwriting + cute kitty
Once upon a time there was a boy called Oberon. He lived in a big Guild with other children. One day he decided to go out for a walk. He loved walking because, when he walked, he thought about his father, who had disappeared as if by magic. 
Oberon loved remembering the moments with him. 

While he was going towards the oak wood, he saw a big egg near a tree. He thought the egg was a dragon egg, but given that dragon eggs were very rare in the wizarding world too, he believed that was impossible. Oberon was a wizard but not an expert one.  

So he took the egg and brought it to his Guild. Oberon called a girl, one of his friends,  Titania. She was so intelligent, Oberon believed she might know how to look after that egg. 

Titania told Oberon that the egg needed a warm place but they couldn’t keep it in the Guild because the master wouldn't allow that. In fact according to the rules the children weren't allowed to have a pet nor in this specific instance  a pet egg. 

They settled it in a small cavern in the wood on a bed of leaves. They lay down on the ground near the egg,  keeping it wrapped  in their arms in a warm loving embrace. Would it work? Would it be enough to make it open?

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Hi friends! I'm a great football fan, so today let me celebrate on our blog one of the myths of  the new generations. His name is Gianluigi, but if you believe that you have already understood, unfortunately you’re wrong! :-) In fact, I’m not referring to the current number one of our national soccer team, Gianluigi Buffon, but to Gianluigi Donnarumma, who not only shares his nickname “Gigi” or “Gigio” with his older colleague, but also seems to repeat his fantastic career on the soccer field.

 “Gigio the Young” was born in 1999 at Castellammare di Stabia, near Naples, where he grew up.  So he is only 17! He plays as a goalkeeper  like his brother Antonio: maybe there could be a matter of DNA behind this family tradition!
He’s still a teenager, but he has already shown himself as a leader and  is considered one of the most extraordinary talents in the world of soccer. 
It’s not by chance that some time ago he broke several records. For example becoming the youngest goalkeeper ever to debut in Serie A or to play for the national team of Italy. That’s the reason why all the experts think that very soon he will be the successor of  “Gigio” Buffon, who also is sure that “Gigio the Young” will achieve a fantastic career in his future and an extraordinary success. Just one defect: he currently plays for Milan (and I am a supporter of a different team) … what a pity! 


Monday, 14 November 2016

THE GOLDEN 80s & 90s

Hi guys, today we want to talk about the songs of a time gone by, but that we will never forget . We are talking about songs that have made the history of music, songs from the 80s & 90s. The music of the past is very different from today's music. Once you had to know how to play an instrument or have a great voice or at least to know how to tell a story in your lyrics but, nowadays,  very simply with a computer everybody can make and release a song, even your Maths/English/Science teacher 
Everybody knows that since many years the music that we hear is contaminated by money and business so it is a bit difficult to recognize a good song when you hear it. However not all contemporary music has to be thrown away , absolutely not!
Now let's not think about this and think more about the 80s/90s hits. Here we have the top songs chart by MTV.  We’ve chosen to see just the first five songs that in ascending order are :

Sunday, 13 November 2016


Hi guys! We all know that English is the international language today, spoken all over the world. It’s essential to learn it and learn it properly. So, since we have to do that, let’s do it with cheerfulness and fun.  What do we do in our classes? For example, we  write posts and create video materials for our blog!
(Matteo, 3scB)

I often have a dictionary at hand, printed or online, to look up new vocabulary. Then, I started reading a great English magazine lately, Speak Up, which includes lots of audio materials. So reading + listening.
(Benedetta, 3scA)

How do I study English? I still don’t know! Joking :D When I started high school I wasn’t very good because I didn’t like listening. Then I discovered that if I really wanted to improve I had to listen to more English materials.
(Nicolò, 3scB)

If I had to choose between reading/writing or speaking/listening, I would probably choose the first. In my opinion, it is easier to remember rules and words when I write them.
(Denis, 3scA)

Personally, I love practising English with fun activities like watching movies in English with subtitles, listening to English songs and reading English books or comics. So, that’s what I do.
(Francesco, 3scB)

Friday, 11 November 2016


Donald Trump has won victory in the presidential race, but no one is quite sure what he  will actually do in office. We usually hope presidents keep the promises they made as candidates once they get started. Unfortuantely, we are not actually sure we want that to happen this time! 

Here, we look back at 7 of Trump’s professed beliefs from an article from BBC News:

1. The US should use waterboarding

This and other methods of "strong interrogation" should be deployed in its fight against the Islamic State group. These methods, Mr Trump said, are "peanuts" compared to the tactics used by the militants, such as beheadings

Thursday, 10 November 2016


Hi everyone! We are Francesco and Nicolò. Today, in this article we would like to talk about the biodiversity of our geographic area, namely flora and fauna. Moreover, we will introduce some interesting curiosities . 

First of all, we live in Subiaco, a small town not far from Rome where there are a lot of wonderful and suggesting landscapes.

Our area is partly placed in the Regional Park of the Simbruini  Mountains in which there is a remarkable biodiversity formed by many species of animals and plants .

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


We like Ed Sheeran because with his scruffy hair and hoodies he looks more like the boy next door than a pop star. But the singer who has written songs since the age of 13 is actually a global star! His latest album "X" has been number one in 65 countries and he has just finished a hugely successful 
tour all over the world. 
Everybody loves Ed among us at Let's Blog, even our teacher! So we decided to stay on at school after lessons and sing her favourite song for her: Photograph.  She enjoyed it and we hope you'll enjoy it too! Here we are in a video (thanks Alex P.!) 

(In the video Denis on the guitar with Giovanni Benito, Camilla, Ludovica, Lisa, Karina, Federica, Angela, Rosita, Giada, Elisa, Ludovica, Francesca, Chiara, Sofia e Benedetta) 

Sunday, 6 November 2016


We are Alex T. and Luca and we love football!!! 

Football is the most popular sport in the world and it is a team sport. The target is to kick a ball with one of the feet to score a goal. It was invented by the English during the nineteenth century.

In our opinion football, in addition to being a beautiful sport,  allows you to meet new people and make new friends.
As a matter of fact,  we two met on a football field, during our training sessions, when we were children.

Friday, 4 November 2016


The Notebook is a novel by Nicholas Sparks published in the U.S.A. in 1996.  
The plot

North Carolina, 1946. Young Noah comes back to his birthplace after WWII to realise his dream of living in the big house near the River.                                                                     
He really misses  Allie, a beautiful girl he met seven years before and really loved in their short happy time together.  They haven’t seen each other since then.                      
Destiny has decided to write a perfect love story for Noah and Allie. The most beautiful one can imagine. However, their relationship was not a fairy-tale …                                                                     
  “They didn’t agree on much. Infact they didn’t agree on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other ever day. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other”. 
The author

Spark was born in Nebraska in 1965 and studied at the University of Notre Dame. He lives with his wife and five children in North Carolina and is commonly called “Love Poet”.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


The new US President is going to be elected  in a few days.  In this post we are going to list the most outrageous statements of one of the two candidates: Mr Donald Trump.    

Monday, 31 October 2016


Are you ready for the most terrible day?

Halloween is here!!!

Do you like our  Halloween banner by Simone? We have a brilliant graphic designer, haven't we?

Gloomy, spooky, captivating, mysterious, electrifying, spectral, magical... How many more adjectives can be added to define Halloween? One thing is certain: the spirit of Halloween is contagious, that's why today this event is one of the coolest and most popular. 

This year we decided to organize a horror movie marathon!

What better day to explore this fascinating, terrifying genre! If you like the idea and want to do the same with your friends, here is our top 5 best horror movies! A journey through some old horror movies that have become legend.

Saturday, 29 October 2016


Your teacher has asked you to write an article about Romics?!? You don’t have any original idea? Why? You don’t  like this topic? Well,  here we are to help you with your task.

Why don’t you write “the 5 reasons  not to write an article about Romics”?

1. Romics is a rough copy of Comic Con
2. It’s impossible to classify cosplayers because they are all the same

Thursday, 27 October 2016


Harry Potter and The Cursed Child is the stage script of 8th Harry Potter’s story. The main characters are Albus Severus Potter, Harry’s son, and Scorpius Malfoy, Draco’s son. They go back in time thanks to a Time-Turner and change the past. But changing the past they also change the present. So, the two boys are in a new era where Harry Potter is dead and Voldemort won the Hogwarts Battle. Will our heroes be able to prevent such tragic end? Meanwhile we interviewed our dearest friend, Harry Potter.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016


Hi guys!! Welcome to Let’s Blog!!!

Today I’m going to share a shocking video with all of you. It’s about injuries in football.  Are you ready?  Warning: it can be really shocking!


Sunday, 23 October 2016


The Plot

The world we knew is gone. An epidemic has hit USA : It transforms everybody into zombies. A therapy hasn’t been discovered yet.
In this apocalyptic scenario people who are still alive have to survive escaping from zombies and killing them. But there is also another enemy: other survivors who kill people to protect themselves and their primary goods because they are lacking.

The main character is Rick Grimes, a former policeman who, after waking up from a coma caused by a gunshot wound, is forced to live in this unthinkable situation.
After finding his son Carl and his wife Lori, he cooperates with a group  of people to survive. But even collaboration is hard in this situation…

The Walking Dead  is back! 

Friday, 21 October 2016


Have you already watched “Me Before You” at cinema?  We have seen it and loved it!

It’s Louisa Clark’s story. She needs a new job and she goes to work for Will Traynor. He has become tetraplegic after a road accident.
It isn’t the classic romantic story with a “happy ending” and this makes it much more interesting. It isn’t only a romantic movie but it’s also a movie that entices you to love life and its value. You can find  this feature in the main character,  Louisa who, with Will’s help, starts finding out the beauty of life. Will is constantly encouraging Lou to try new activities and push the boundaries of her experiences.

These are the 10 best things in  this film for us:

Wednesday, 19 October 2016


 Pretty Little Liars

If you like a thrilling teen drama,this is perfect for you! The stars are five girls. And what girls! The series starts with Alison's disappearance, she’s the queen bee of the group. What happened to her?

Monday, 17 October 2016


… we are terribly scared, of course. It often happens, unfortunately, where we live, that is, in the centre of Italy. But what is an earthquake?

An earthquake is the percepitible shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from the sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can be quite violent, they can throw people to the ground and destroy entire cities.

There have been several strong earthquakes in the last years in Italy. On April 6 2009, a magnitude 6.3 eartquake shook L’Aquila  killing more than 300 people and injuring 1,500 others. It damaged many buildings and landmarks, such as the medieval church in the picture (left). It hasn’t been completely rebuilt yet. 

Saturday, 15 October 2016


Hello everybody! What about  a funny video?

OK then! As we said in the video, we are Benny (Benedetta) and G.B.  (Giovanni Benito) Did you like it? Did you recognize the most popular songs of last summer?

Here is the song list with our favourite quotes. Click on the titles to see the videos on Youtube!

Monday, 26 September 2016


Let's blog staff - 3A & 3B 

Hello there and welcome to our blog! We are the staff of LET'S BLOG! We are Italian students from two different classes of Liceo Scientifico, 3scA and 3scB. Our school is in Subiaco, not far from Rome, and its name is "IIS Braschi- Quarenghi". We are 16-17 years old and this is our school project for this year: to write a web magazine in English! Cool, isn't it? Our coordinator will be our English teacher, Mrs Maria Grazia Spila, but we will be the real protagonists of this corner of the blogosphere. Our staff is made up of 32 members who will work divided in small teams. We will write, speak, play and sing in English. We will share our interests, hobbies and passions with you. Of course, we hope you'll watch this space and appreciate our efforts. Are you ready? Let's blog, then!