Saturday 23 April 2022



Did you know Chrome can have extra functionalities by installing an extension? There are a lot of extensions available, but in this article, I’ll focus on handy ones.

How to install a Chrome Extension

To install a Chrome Extension first find one you want to install, then just click “Add to Chrome” and, when asked, click “Add extension”.

When you are ready, you can find it on the “puzzle” icon in the right up corner of Google Chrome.

Remember you can always reach the extension simply if you add it to “quick use” by clicking on its “pin” button (after finding it in the extensions menu). You just need to click once.


1. Return YouTube Dislike

Some time ago, I heard the news that YouTube was about to close its dislike function so, the button would still be there, but you would no longer be able to see how many people dislike something. They said the motivation was the desire to counter the offences and promote “respectful interactions between audiences and creatives". Ok, but, that’s not true: if I don’t like something why can’t I be counted like the ones who like the same content? And the funniest fact is that those who created the video see the dislike  figures also after YouTube removed the public counter, so, it’s not correct to say “respectful interactions between audiences and creatives” and then share it with them (in a hidden way).

If you want to bring back this function on YouTube, here is the extension for you, “Return YouTube Dislike”.


2. Turn Off the Lights


Do you hate watching videos on the web but being disturbed by all the shining glare around it? Someone that understands you invented “Turn Off the Lights”, which resolves the problem by obscuring all sides of the video, making the vision clear and neat.

3. Dark Reader

You are doing a research for a History project at midnight because you are quite lazy with your homework, you surf through Wikipedia but everything is so WHITE!!! You’re blinded by its all-white pages and you are not able to read anything… there is a simple solution: “Dark Reader”.

“Dark Reader” makes simple dark mode on all the web pages like Wikipedia, but not all websites  support it. With Dark Reader, you’ll read more comfortably during the night, but, anyway, a good  suggestion could also be ... do your homeworkearlier ;-)


4. Shazam

You are listening to a video on the web and a song hits you and you don’t even want to continue watching, you just want to find out what song that is and listen to it, but… how to do that? Someone would probably suggest to take your phone and use the app Shazam. You take it, search for the app, download it, open and record the music playing from your computer by your phone. That takes long and it’s a bit complicated. So, if you are using a computer, that’s more powerful than a smartphone, why should you use another device to find a song you are listening to on your computer?

Just use “Shazam” Chrome extension that allows you to quickly find songs using your computer.


5. Extensity

If you like Chrome extensions too much,  you should check out Extensity, a simple but really powerful one that allows you to disable other extensions while you don’t need to use them, making sure to minimize computer usage.

Giorgio B., 3sc 


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