Wednesday 4 May 2022




The Time of Indifference is a novel written by Alberto Moravia and published for the first time in 1929.

This book talks about the bourgeois Ardengo family. Mariagrazia Ardengo, a widow, has two children: Carla and Michele. Moreover, she has had a lover, Leo Merumeci, for 15 years.

The latter became her lover because he wanted to take over her estate. Now, Leo has achieved his goal, so he wants to break up with her. Therefore, he wants to marry Carla.

Carla is tempted to do it because she desires to change her life. Indeed, she feels trapped in an empty and fake life. She attributes to her mother the majority of the faults of this situation. For this reason, Carla wants to take revenge.

However, Carla hesitates to accept Leo’s marriage proposal, since she feels compassion toward her mother. Mariagrazia is constantly afraid of being alone. For this reason, she is too jealous of her lover Leo. This jealousy makes her very childish.

Furthermore, Mariagrazia does everything to save appearance. Doing that, she lives in a “fake world”. She tries to hide their disastrous economic situation, because she is afraid to be considered poor.

“There was silence again. The older woman’s fear became vast and overpowering; she had never wished to know anything about poor people, not; even to know any of them by name, she had never wished to admit the existence of people whose work was laborious and whose lives were dreary. <<Their lives are happier than ours,>> she had always said; <<we are more sensitive and more intelligent and therefore we suffer more than they do.>> And now, lo and behold! all of a sudden she was forced to mingle with them, to swell the throng of the poor and wretched.”

Instead, Michele is a teenager stuck in his indifference. Because of this, he is not able to feel anything. Therefore, he is forced to pretend his emotions. This situation makes him suffer a lot, since he wants obstinately to feel something. He would settle for any emotion, rage too.

“All these people…know where they’re going and what they want, they have a purpose and so they hurry along, they’re tormented, sad, happy, alive, while I…I have nothing…no purpose…if I weren’t walking I’d be sitting down; it makes no difference”

Through The Time of Indifference, the author wants to show us the insincerity of middle class and aristocracy. They would do everything to save appearance since, for them, it is more important than anything else.

The main theme of the  book is the indifference, which especially midlle class people  feel. The fake world, which they live in, makes them insensitive to everything. Because of this, Michele is forced to pretend his rage toward Leo, his love toward Lisa and his compassion toward his mother.




Alberto Moravia, pseudonym of Alberto Pincherle, was born in Rome on 28th November 1907 from wealthy family.

Still young, he became ill with bone tuberculosis. Because of this, he was not able to go to school, so he started to write.

In 1925, Moravia began writing his masterpiece, The Time of Indifference, which he published in 1929.

In addition, he worked on film scripts, but, because of his Jewish origins, he could not sign them with his name due to the racial laws of 1938.

In 1941, Moravia got married with Elsa Morante, a great Italian writer.

On 8th September 1943, he was forced to escape from Rome since his name has included in the list of the people to be arrested and deported. Therefore, Moravia and his wife hid in Sant’Agata di Fondi. They returned to Rome after the war.

Then, he founded the magazine NuoviArgomenti, where he took care of the editorial with Pier Paolo Pasolini.

In 1960, Moravia published Boredom winning the Viareggio Award.

In 1962, he divorced Elsa Morante, and moved in with another great Italian writer, Dacia Maraini.

From 1979 to 1983, he was a member of the Selection Committee at the Venice Film Festival and special envoy of the Corriere della Sera.

From 1984 to 1989, he was a member of the European Parliament.

On 26th September 1990, Alberto Moravia was found dead in his home in Rome.

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