Tuesday 31 May 2022




Heal the World is a song composed and sung by Michael Jackson and released in 1991.The song is an exhortation to take care of our world. To do it we have to collaborate with each other. Only doing that we have the chance to improve our world and heal it.

“Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place

For you and for me”

We don't have to be egoist. We have to stop saying “they should do something” when there is a problem to resolve, because each person, including ourselves, could do something, a little gesture is something too.

However, it is easier to blame others if something goes wrong. Nevertheless, if we stand still and watch, the fault is ours too. We must stop complaining and start rolling up our sleeves. Words mean nothing without facts.

“In this bliss we cannot feel

Fear or dread, we stop existing and start living”

We should begin to think that this world does not belong to humankind, but to every creature who lives in it. Therefore, we must try to deliver the Earth to the next generations, if possible better than it is now.   Michael Jackson dedicated Heal the world to children,  not by chance some parts of this song are sung by children. 

“Think about the generations and say that we want to make it a better place for our children, and our children’s children, so that they know it’s a better world for them.”

Our world is suffering because of human activities. CO2 emissions are increasing the greenhouse effect which is melting our glaciers, reducing our forests and provoking climate change.

Through this song, Michael Jackson wants to invite us to stop fighting each other. Every war, besides being stupid, only leads to the death of innocent people, children too.

Article 3 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights recites:

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

The United Nations, including all recognized countries, proclaimed this declaration in 1948. So, why do nations make war to each other? Where is the right to life during a war?

For this reason, Heal the World wants to be a eulogy to brotherhood. Love, toward others and ourselves, should guide us to do good.

“There’s a place in your heart

And I know that it is love

And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try

You’ll find there’s no need to cry

In this place you will feel there’s no hurt or sorrow”

We can still do something to try to improve the situation, but we act now. We still have the chance to make up for our mistakes.

“And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace

Then why do we keep strangling life?

Would this Earth crucify its soul?”




Michael Jackson was born on 29th August 1958 in Gary (Indiana). He was the seventh of nine children.

In 1964, his career started in a group called Jackson 5, composed of Michael and his bothers Jackie, Tito e Jermaine and Marlon.

However, during 70s, he began his soloist career, despite of he was still part of Jackson 5.

In 1979, Michael published the album Off the Wall. This album reached the third position of the Billboard 200, becoming the first Afro-American singer inserted in this rank.

In 1984, Thriller, his best-known work,was published. It is the best-selling album of all time.  Moreover, Billie Jean, contained in Thriller, was the first song, sung by black singer, to be broadcast on MTV. Indeed, this radio has refused to transmit a song sung by an Afro-American.

In January 1985, Michael Jackson wrote the single We Are the World to raise funds to African populations damaged by a famine.

Moreover, he suffered of vitiligo and lupus. The first one is a disease, which causes loss of skin colour in patches. He tried to hide his condition, because it embarrassed him.

On 25th June 2009, Michael Jackson died because of cardiac arrest due to drug poisoning. His doctor was accused of manslaughter. 

Angelica T., 4scB


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