Wednesday 18 November 2020



I have a great videogame to recommend to you today, one of my best favourites at present. Have you heard of League of Legends? It is one of the most popular competitive game in the world, commonly abbreviated LoL, and it is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Riot Games. It has earned praise for its accessibility, character design, and production value. LoL is often cited as the world's largest esport, with an international competitive scene. The 2019 League of Legends World Championship had over 100 million unique viewers, with a minimum prize pool of US$2.5 million.


League of Legends is a team-oriented strategy game, the goal is to work together with your teammates to bring down the enemy Nexus, located in the middle of their base, before your opponents take yours down.

It starts with choosing one Champion from a list of 151, each of which has their own unique personality. When you start the game you and your team will appear in the Fountain (where you’ll respawn if your champion dies). You’ll head one of the three lanes, commonly called: bot, mid and top; between the lanes there’s the jungle, a shadowy area filled with powerful monsters, slaying these creatures will give you gold, experience and temporary spells. Each line is a path between the two bases guarded by a set of powerful turrets (they’re dangerous because they target enemies and attack them), you’ll need to destroy enemy’s turrets to get in their base. To take them down you need to stay behind your minions (computer-controller units that march down the lanes engaging any enemies in their path).


There are 6 main categories of champions:

·        Marksmen: they attack opponents from a safe distance with consistent damage.

·        Fighters: they fight their opponents face to face, they deal moderate damage, often with melee attacks.

·        Mages: they cast powerful spells to trap and damage enemies.

·        Tanks: they are tough melee champions who sacrifice damage in exchange for powerful crowd control and have strong base defenses.

·    Assassins: they are fragile but agile damage-focused melee champions that look to swiftly take down their targets. Assassins specialize in infiltrating enemy lines with their unrivaled mobility to quickly dispatch high-priority targets.

·        Supports: they assist their more vulnerable teammate through the earliest stages of the game, and is a position that suits champions with either utility, disengage or high base damage.

Champions get stronger in two ways: gain experience by being in the area when enemies die and kill them or buy the right items using the gold earned from killing enemies.

Now you know the basics, what are you waiting for? All you have to do is play and immerse yourself in the world of LEAGUE OF LEGENDS.


1 comment:

  1. This post reminds me the big amount of time I spent in the jungle as Nasus. Wonderfull!
